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Swim Lessons

Session 1 - June 17-20 & 24-27

Weather Make up dates June 21 & 28

Session 2 - July 8-11 & 15-18

Weather Make up dates July 12 & 19

Time : 11:15 - 11:45 am      Age : 3 (potty trained) and up

Cost : $50 resident, $65 non-resident

Cost includes both weeks of lessons & will not be prorated.

Limit : 32 students per session

Registration begins at LC RTA office (10-5 pm) please pay at time of registration

                                               Session 1: June 6th & 7th 

                                               Session 2: July 1st & 2nd

**If your swimmer has separation issues, and/or doesn't find the experience enjoyable, you can receive a refund before the second day of lessons begin.

**If your swimmer has long hair, please use a ponytail.

**No parents are allowed on the pool deck during lessons. Thursday's are parent viewing days.

Please see swim lesson level goals below

Level 1 - Water exploration (shallow water lesson)

  • Fully submerge face in water

  • Hold breath underwater

  • Front and back float with support

  • Kicking on front and back with support

  • Enter and exit the water independently

  • Blow bubbles in water

Level 2 - Primary skills (shallow water lesson)

  • Float on front and back unsupported for 5 seconds

  • Kick on front and back 5 yards without assistance

  • Retrieve objects under water chest deep

Level 3 - Stroke readiness (mid-pool lesson, shallow and deep)

  • Freestyle arms with side breathing

  • Back stroke arms with backstroke kick

  • Jump into deep water and tread water

  • Sitting dive

Level 4 - Stroke development (deep water lesson)

  • Standing dive from side of pool

  • Freestyle with side breathing and back stroke 25 yards 

  • Breast stroke and butterfly introduced

Level 5 - Stroke refinement (deep water lesson)

  • Breast stroke and butterfly for 15-25 yards

  • Dive in deep water off the side & flip turns

Questions? Email Mary Tillhof (pool manager)


Camelot Round Table Association
9278 W Lake Camelot Drive, Mapleton, IL 61547 
hone: 309.697.5339   |   Fax: 309.697.5639   |    Email:

RTA Office  Hours:
Monday–Friday  9:00 am to 5:00 pm


Beach Hours Monday–Friday  11:00 am to 8:00 pm

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